We Keep Your Landscaped Garden
Looking Impeccable

Creative Landscape Designers

Solaras Landscape in Pinellas Park, Florida is renowned for designing and building some of the most breathtaking gardens. Our expert team also offers a variety of services to keep your landscaping alive and beautiful.


All grass and turf should be mowed at a proper height for its best health. By mulching the blades, this will return all the nutrients back to the soil for a new healthy root system.


The hedges and plants are much like grass. They need to be cut back periodically cut for looks and health. Makes you happy and your neighbors.


Trees are just bigger and taller than hedges and grass but they need cut too. Trees should be lifted and the dead wood removed. Good for looks and everything below.


Weeds are everywhere, but we are too to keep them under control and at a minimum. As they try to come back so do we. During the rainy season, the are a constant issue, but not with us.


Mulch come is such a variety, so it's up to your desire what looks best. Not just for looks, mulch keeps moisture in and weeds and pests to a minimum. Keep it fresh.

Landscape design

Landscape design is much more than arranging plants, shrubs and trees. There is an entire creative process that works with nature. This takes not only a keen eye for visual detail, but also an expansive knowledge of biology and ecology.

We employ only the most well versed ideas that will agree with your needs and desires.
Do you consider how well your landscaping integrates with the natural habitat in your area? Has your home or business found harmony with nature? Has your landscape got your attention with the surrounding area? It can be beautiful as on with a captivating balance.

Trees add a canopy of beautiful shade complementing your ground landscape. Placement and care will give years of enjoyment.

So make that Escape and call us.

Contact Us for a Free Quote

Turn your ordinary garden into an extraordinary work of art. Reach out to our professional landscapers for a free quotation on our comprehensive services.